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Maple!(ha i haven kick obsession)
For them to finally realise my true worth
Not let them ruin my birthday
Pass the MidYears!!!


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
January 2008
April 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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March 2009
April 2009
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March 2010

Go there

Ying Qi
Xi Wei


Now is about 12.35 pm
To day wasn't as fun, Jia Xin
only kena chase me during Ice N Freeze only
Then, during class, cos' other ppl
got the dunno what thingy program,
they not in class, so v. boring.
So Wei Ling, me and Akshaya
discuss the party thing cos'
Ms Lim promise us have
Teachers' Day n' Childrens' Day
party combined.
We actually agreed to meet at msn messenger,
but then Wei Ling is Gmail and
Akshaya is Singnet, so ... nvm
Wei Ling so angry sia, everytime call her
Head Prefect, she say just because
Head Prefect doesn't mean must call here that,LOL

End of report.:)



Now everything (except music and blogskin) is done and upgraded!

Sorry guys and gals,
Due to new updates and changes having been made to the blog,
you can only contact me by either msn messenger
or by comments.
These are temporary changes, you gotta wait for some time.

Now is about 1:55pm on 28 october 2008.
Today, Jia Xin almost totally killed me!LOL
She was like," Ami!I'm going to kill you!" And then
she chased all over the place.
During recess, when I ran, because we were playing
Ice N Freeze, whenever Jia Xin saw me,
she chased me!LOL She couldn't even catch me! HAHA!
Jia Xin, if you read this message, try and kill me the next
day, ok?

You're courting your own Death.
You'd probably be saying that, right?
But then, don't forget,
she can't even CATCH me, LOL
I'll take my chances, hehe.


Why my blog, the time so different ? it's about 5.40 pm now, but time in blog says 2:25 am.

lol, time is about 5 . 30 pm, i was just talking wif Jia Xin on msn messenger,
Then, I SPAM her .

Then she was like, so ANGRY
lol. lol

Eh, Jia Xin, when you finish reading this,
Go to 2nd chat box, the one below the music player,
and comment, or scold. Both oso can.



Yeah! I'm finally back on track!

PSLE is over! No more homework (until next year :C )

P.S. colours are the different types of me.
Red - Study me.
Blue - Play me.
Green - Optimistic me.
Purple - Emo me.
Orange - Crazy me.

Grey - Abusive me.

Well, it's been a long time hasn't it?

Yes, the last time I went in was in April...

Well, now, even though the blogskin is still not changed,

the way I'm going to be writing will be like this!

So now, songs, posts, and maybe other stuff,

will updated and changed!


I was like, study,study,study.

Of course, I didn't bother.;p

My actual target was at least 240,

but then, I realised, that wasn't possible, for me.

So, I tried to study.

Didn't work, cause no matter how hard I tried, I

was thinking:'Maple Story! Maple Story!'

People may say that I'm addicted to games, but

I'm actually only addicted to Maple Story.

I was so miserable. Literally.

There were problemS at home and in school,

it was no better.

I can hear you say this right now,
am I right?


I tried cheering myself up by saying,"
Finish PSLE, and you can play!"
You know what?

After PSLE,
Still banned from computer and Xbox and whatever.

2-3 weeks after PSLE,
YAY! I got my account in the computer 'reinstated'.
I spent some time in Habbo, tried getting Maple,
and other stuff.
I even redid my blog profile! You can take a look at it later.
It's so sad, you know? NO MORE STUDYING.
Put a sock in it.
Kueh Kueh Kueh!
Damn F*** SHUT UP!

Oh yeah, those of you who are involved in Wei Ling's party,
It's 22 Nov at 2 - 6 pm right?

Please Comment for the sake of commenting
or answer through commenting.

And shut the F*** up!
He's abusive, just ignore him. :)